
Dogs often suffer from separation and it is not only stressful for the owner but it is very stressful for the dog as well.  Seperation is an instict for dogs to reunite with the pack should they become seperated.  They will bark, wine, destructively chew, sctratch up...

Mouthing & Biting

  Most of the time, this is the complaint of puppy owners. Standard corrections include holding their mouth shut, yelling no, and hitting under the chin. We recommend not doing any of these because they tend to make the puppies and dogs worse!   This is the...


  Digging has wrecked many yards. Most of the time, digging is the result of boredom. But it also can be caused by the dog trying to cool him or herself by trying to make a den. It can even be that the dog’s nails are too long. We recommend our Basic Training...


  Barking is the most annoying behavior when you can’t get your dog to stop. Dogs that bark incessantly cause complaints.   Here is what happens – a leaf falls in the front yard and your dog barks for 1/2 an hour or some one walks up the street in...


  This always seems to happen – your dressed up and going somewhere important and then the dog, full of mud comes along and jumps on you, knocking things out of your arms and wrecking your clothes!   Dogs jump because they are excited, playful,...

Not Listening-Running Away-Not Coming

    Running away and not coming are big complaints. Not listening to you is very dangerous for your dog and extremely distressful for you. Basic training is the solution. In most cases, if our clients’ dogs would come to them when they called and lie down...